When and how does one country’s mass-based disintegration experience encourage or deter demands for disintegration in other countries?
Work package 1 on public opinion studies when and how one’s country’s disintegration experience encourages or deters new disintegration bids in other states. It tracks Brexit-related contagion risks (WP 1a), explores contagion mechanisms (WP 1b), and traces how disintegration-related opinions of the same respondent change over time during a disintegration referendum campaign (WP 1c).
- Grynberg, Charlotte, Stefanie Walter and Fabio Wasserfallen (2019). Expectations, vote choice and opinion stability since the 2016 Brexit referendum. European Union Politics 0(0): 1-21.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit domino? The Political Contagion Effects of Voter-Based Disintegration. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). EU-27 Public Opinion on Brexit. Working paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit and Public Opinion: the EU-27. The UK in a changing Europe blog, 1 February 2019.
- Jurado, Ignacio, Sandra Léon, and Stefanie Walter (2018). European Preferences for Brexit. Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Germany and Spain. Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting 2018.
Related output
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Wie das Volk zum Rahmenabkommen steht. De facto Blog, 8 June 2019.
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2019). Nationale Souveränität oder wirtschaftliche Integration? Nur für Bürgerliche eine schwierige Entscheidung. De facto Blog, 9 January 2019.
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2018). National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade-Off Situations. Swiss Political Science Review24(4): 400-422.
- Walter, Stefanie, Elias Dinas, Ignacio Jurado, and Nikitas Konstantinidis (2018). Non-cooperation by popular vote: Expectations, foreign intervention, and the vote in the 2015 Greek bailout referendum. International Organization 72(4)
- Walter, Stefanie (2017). Survey Evidence: Europeans Support the EU’s Hard Line in the Brexit Negotiations. LSE EUROPP Blog.
- Owen, Erica and Stefanie Walter (2017). Open Economy Politics and Brexit. Insights, Puzzles, and Ways Forward. Review of International Political Economy 24(2): 179-202
People working on this work package
Giorgio Malet, Stefanie Walter, Dominik Gross. For more information, see here.